Inoxcrom is a Spanish manufacturer of stationeries. It began as a small company established by Manuel Vaqué Ferrandis in Barcelona in 1942, manufacturing pen nibs for other brands. In 1950s it started to make pens on its own brand. However, the designs were copied from other popular brands, including Parker 51, Parker 21, and then Montblanc pens. But Inoxcrom also made some original products like the Model 77 and the Luxury 88.

In 2009 the company booked bankruptcy. In 2010, about 100 ex-employees established Inoxgrup, a cooperative to continue the production. Meanwhile, the commercial court granted all assets to Blond Europe, which then established Inoxcrom Internacional (In-In). After some disputes, the Vaqué family granted the brand to the cooperative, and Inoxcrom Internacional used a new brand IXC instead. But the “globe” logo must be given to In-In, and the cooperative used the old Inoxcrom logo instead. The production was then globalised. The cooperative did not have any production asset, so they established some collaborations with Asian manufacturers.

Enough about the history. I found an interesting Inoxcrom from a market place. No information about the year of production (and which party who produced it). The black thin pen with golden belt has an Inoxcrom name with a globe logo engraved on the nib.

At first I found it not easy to write with. I guess the previous owner has a different writing style. I change the angle, and it writes pretty well now. As a thin pen, this pen could be compared to my Caran d’Ache or Elysée.